The interdisciplinary team working in the schools attended by children with a motor impairment includes:
- Special education teachers
- Occupational therapists
- Respiratory therapists
- Mechanics and technicians in orthodics-prosthetics
- Medical specialists
- Rehabilitation monitors
- Nutritionists
- Speech therapists
- Nurses (including auxiliary nurses and orderlies)
- Physiotherapists
- Psychologists
- Social workers
At the CAM, the team of professionals consists of occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychologists and social workers.
The rehabilitation professionals identify the children’s rehabilitation needs and conduct individual and group interventions. Interventions can be conducted by a number of rehabilitation workers at the same time and can take place in reserved rooms and or in the classroom before school staff. Interventions consist of examining the child’s safety among other aspects such as physical layout; improving the child’s autonomy, daily living activities, social participation; and minimizing situations of handicap.