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Objectives - AAC

In collaboration with the regional rehabilitation centres, the AAC program aims to foster the children’s social participation and to enhance their quality of life. Its primary objectives are:

  1. To enhance their written and oral communication potential with regard to their daily living activities
    Even though interpersonal communication relies on speech, it is not the only way to communicate. Glances, facial expressions, gestures and sounds are also means of communication. Yet sometimes, they may not be enough to express feelings; to ask questions or to talk about an event. This program aims to provide children with aids that will enable them to communicate with others and vice-versa.
  2. To determine areas where technology can be used 
    (personal and socioresidential autonomy, interpersonal relationships, education, leisure, etc.); the expected user results (participating in conversations, communicating needs, notetaking in class, etc.); and their prognosis in terms of social participation and level of performance required to carry out activities of daily living are necessary parameters in order to identify the type of technology they need. Social and physical environmental factors such as the ability to adjust, family and school resources, accessibility of physical places, etc. are also considered. 

    The durability of assistive technology is a limitation that the AAC team cannot avoid. The team must ensure to a certain degree that the recommended aid can adjust to the child’s changing communication needs and can also adjust to rapid technological advancements. Experts working within the AAC program consider these details before making any recommendations.
  3. To foster their integration and social participation
    The goal is to help children and teenagers fulfill their socioemotional needs by developing their communication abilities so that they may be able to communicate with others; integrate into different everyday environments (daycare, school, recreational activities, community, etc.); and further participate in different activities.These acquisitions will also prepare them for the workplace and for playing an active role in their community. 
About this page
Updated on 3/20/2015
Created on 1/15/2015
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The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation’s Mélio Fund – formerly the Fondation Mélio – is an essential pillar of support for the centre of excellence in musculoskeletal disorders and in rehabilitation medicine. It is dedicated to providing ongoing and indispensable support for the 5,000 children with locomotor or speech impairments being cared for at the Marie Enfant Rehabilitation Centre (CRME).


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Centre de réadaptation Marie Enfant