The Centre de réadaptation Marie Enfant (CRME) believes that service continuity and collaboration with regional rehabilitation centres are key factors in achieving the social participation of children with functional communication limitations.
The continuum of specialized and ultra-specialized rehabilitation services is based on the recognition of the needs of this common clientele; whose needs require services from a number of establishments that compliment one another’s expertise. The primary objective is to avoid service duplication, incoherence or gaps and to ensure overall service quality. In other words, the continuum of services does not only depend on principles of mutual trust and recognition of expertise, but also requires formal mechanisms that allow for concertation. Therefore, the ultra-specialized rehabilitation services that the regional rehabilitation centre identifies in the client’s individual service plan, and the exchange mechanism that will favour harmonious and respectful relations must be arranged between the referral regional rehabilitation centre and the CRME as soon as the child is referred to the CRME.